Goals and Objectives

  • Create opportunities for more affordable housing in Georgetown, maximizing our resources and available grant money and minimizing the impact on our town services.
  • Create an accurate list of affordable housing in Georgetown, differentiating those units that are qualified under the DHCD rules.
  • Coordinate with the Georgetown Housing Authority to use therir experience and expertise.
  • Find out about the programs available through the north Shore HOME Consortium.
  • Research available funding sources.
  • Review other towns' success stories re alternate uses of buildings.
  • Learn about the Community Preservation Act and its implications.
  • Explore sources for rehabbing neglected buildings into affordable housing.
  • Learn about Tax title foreclosures and its impact on affordable housing.
  • Establish an Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
  • Keep up to date on legislative issues that impact Affordable Housing.
  • Communicate with land use Committees and Boards: Master Plan, Planning Board, and Zoning Board of Appeals.
  • Educate the public about the need for and the benefits of affordable housing